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Member Since 2008-10-25 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    -------------------------------------------------------- FANLISTING FOR AFF.NET -------------------------------------------------------- First, hello to all of you, who visit my profile! I guess some of you read my story, and how has it? Good? Bad? Let me know^^ I registered here mainly to review, but I ended up posting a story myself and now being in the middle of writing another two ones (though I caught some serious block and it won't be soon until I post them). To be honest, I'm not the one to write and even I don't read much. But I decided to give it a try when I got the idea. Because unless you try you won't know if you like something and if you're good at it. Well, of course, i don't consider myself as 'good' if it's going about writing, but I don't think I'm the worst either. For a few months I've been totally obsessed with Devil May Cry. And it influences everything I do, including constant talking about it to my friends (who are probably tired of it already). So, yeah, I read a lot of DMC fan fiction, browse fan art, play DMC3 and soon also DMC4 (and I hope to have the chance to try DMC1 and DMC2 as well), read manga and watched anime, sometimes I even listen to DMC soundtracks. And happened to write some fanficion. See? I'm really obsessed *evil laugh* I don't know what to write here more... Read my story, rate and review it, if you haven't, pretty please^^
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