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Member Since 2008-03-02 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    My name is Jess, Jei/Jay, Selene, JJ, whichever you desire or any variation you can think of, I'm not fussy. I'm nineteen and work as a Technical Administration Clerk Apprentice here in England, I'm supposed to be in Network Management but I've actually spent more time helping Business Support since I started working. I'm (Finally) moving out at the end of March, woot, and in with a couple of friends at their shared house. It will certainly be interesting living with three other guys, if somewhat gross hearing them having sex with their girlfriends. XDD The walls are thin. Thank god a friend of mine gave me ear-plugs as a Christmas Present. I am an utter crossover fanatic, but they have to be well written. I'm into a lot of stuff, I like homosexual romance stories (otherwise known as Yaoi and Yuri) but they have to be well written. I'm sorry but I categorically do NOT believe that Naruto/Harry would cry like little girls during their first oh-so-romantic butt-sex with Sasuke/Draco. (Not that I can actually stomach Draco and Harry in a pairing at all anymore. XP) My current favourite fandoms would be Harry Potter, Naruto, Bleach, Final Fantasy 7 (My love has been rekindled), Mahou Sensei Negima (So much more original than anything I've found so far in the Manga Community, better than Harry Potter in the 'magical child' category), Chronicles of Riddick, Bones, Firefly/Serenity, There's a lot but we'll just stick with those for now ;D UP AND COMING... (Revised 14th of February 2009) IDEA A: Harry Potter/Chronicles of Riddick Crossover. Riddick/Harry. What if Jack had an older brother? What if she had a cousin? The idea was that Jack was born Jasmine Dursley, younger sister to Dudley Dursley and cousin to Harry Potter, however, like her cousin, she was treated badly by her so called family because of her resemblance to her long dead Auntie Lily. One night, she and Harry decide to run away and find a better life, they split up and take different ships to make tracking them down that much more difficult and agree to meet on Lupus 5. Jack never showed and Harry kept looking for her, the streets are a dangerous place for teenagers and Harry finds himself being slaved out at a Whore House as a submissive sex toy until he kills the man who abducted him off the streets and dragged him into this hell hole kicking and screaming. Free again, he catches wind of his cousin and immediately heads for New Mecca where he finds her again, only to lose her to the ghost of a man who saved her life a year past on a planet of death and darkness. Only to have him return... without her. When you think about it, Kyra has red hair and green eyes, she could be a mini-Lily with temper issues. And while I would have liked Harry to be on the Dark Planet with her, it would defeat the point of Harry having a major fit at Riddick for abandoning his ‘Little sister’ after the hell they’d been through. I’m still debating about whether or not to do this so advice and thoughts will be welcome!! IDEA B: 'Love me Dead' Final Fantasy 7:AC Sephiroth/Cloud, others are a secret for now ;D Hojo wasted no effort to drag Sephiroth from the Nibelheim Reactor - realising his 'Perfect Specimen' wasn't as accepting of JENOVA as he had hoped, thus leaving them disturbingly vulnerable - and used his D.N.A. to create a number of blank clones for the Alien's use, better able to accept her complete domination and power. Sephiroth's body, along with other Specimens the Mad Scientist deemed useful/precious, were stashed away in his private Labs, hidden beneath the ShinRa Tower and even under the slums beneath the Plate. Never to be discovered - until now. During the fight against the JENOVA altered Kadaj, the collapsing ShinRa Tower tore a hole in the ground open, revealing the den of Monsters Hojo created and allowed to flourish in his absence, along with Sephiroth's body - amongst other things. IDEA C: 'Setis Oppororrim' Final Fantasy 7:AC After being shot by Yazoo and left to drift in the Life Strea, instead of awakening in the Sector 5 Church, Cloud awakens in the Mideel Hospital Recovery room having been pulled from a Mako fountain in the Jungle by a Chicabo. But this isn't the Mideel he knows, it is whole, unharmed by WEAPON and JENOVA... and Meteor still hangs in the sky. But that isn't the only difference, not long after arriving a familiar face walks through the door having recieved a phone call about a lost SOLDIER with a buttload of Super Materia and a Sword only the General should be able to use. Will Cloud stay and help those whose faces he knows but shouldn't, or turn away and try to return home to Edge where HIS AVALANCHE were waiting for him? IDEA D: 'Soul's Pawn' FF7/ Naruto crossover. Jiraiya/Tsunade, Sakura/Lee, Itachi/Haku, Naruto/Hinata, Gaara/Tenten, Sasuke/Ino, Zack/Aeris, (Pairing Cloud in this is difficult, my inner Seph/Cloud fangirl is arm wrestling the Reno/Cloud fangirl. the Zack/Cloud one is cheering them both on and generally being a pain.) ShinRa find a collection of crystalised D.N.A. while excavating for the Junon Underwater Reactor, the Science Department are ecstatic with the find upon discovering the D.N.A. to be Ancient, or even older. Hojo takes the samples to Midgar where he clones the 12 individuals, absolutely enthralled with the aging Process - sped up through the use of Time Materia, Mako and the genetic memories of the Hosts. However, ShinRa are not prepared for twelve Shinobi, all A-S ranked, disagreeing with the idea of allowing a greasy scientist to poke around with their bodies. Destroying the labs, they escape into the slums and begin again, if Gaia had no Hidden Village then Tetsugakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in Iron) would just have to be the first.

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