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Member Since 2008-01-30 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Something about myself. I guess I can start off with my name. Hello everyone, The name's Mina! I am 19 years old (Old, I know) I have a boyfriend who doesn't mind my twisted way of thinking or my naughty writings (Which is good for him since I wouldn't stop writing even if he told me to, Ha!) Let's see, I write nothing but smexy goodness with a plot of course. For some reason I can't bring myself to write just plain old smut. I like the whole 'build up before the storm' kind of thing. So expect to have weaving trials in my stories. Hmm, also I am a dark writer. Not creepy 'eating body parts' kind of dark ... well, maybe some of that, but not too gruesome. Okay, I'm getting off of the subject here. Anyways I write dark 'forbidden' love stories (Yes, fangirls like myself drool over them, expecially with the whole 'not allowed to be together' kind of stuff) So ... if you want to make a request for something for me to write, be my guest, I will also ask for detailed comments. They are REALLY appreciated! ^_^

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