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Member Since 2008-01-20 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio - Where i spend most of my time posting random bits of my hermit life, spazzing over video games and bishies and posting anything that i write, Fanfiction and original works. It's also where you can find out about the progress of my updates, so feel free to add me and we can get chatting about anything. - My fanfiction account. It will soon have my Yu-Gi-Oh!, Card Captor Sakura and Kingdom Hearts fics up. Age: Old enough to know that there is no such thing as a fairy tale ending, but young enough to hope for a happy ending. Birthday: 27th May Profile 20 years old. Female (though debatable). Lives in England. Survived high school with a shred of dignity.University student studying History. Works as a part-time photo processor. Sounds better than it actually is, trust me. Personality Cocky. Brash. Cynic. Is a big softie inside, but shh don't tell. Dry sense of humour. Is a complete pervert. obsessed with video games, anime and Japanese cult films. Music is my boyfriend. Friends are my life. A chronic insomniac. Loves pink apple teaWould rather sit in front of my computer writing endless trash than going out and getting what her parents call a 'life'. Gets the best ideas whilst singing in the shower or pretending to listen in lectures. Will sell her very soul for manxman lovin'. Likes Lazy days in Pajamas. Bedroom dancing. Anime. Video Games. Bubble wrap. Candy cigarettes. Chocolate. My bed. Nerds. Emo boys. Manga. Skull candy headphones. Converse shoes. Hoodies. Hair dye. Pizza. Concerts. Writing, boviously. lightining. Skittles. fan sevice. fairy lights. Dislikes: Homophobes, snobs, narrow minded assholes, being trapped, being broke, Essay writing, writer's block, fakes, liars, conformity, chavs, housework, spiders, bullies, pimped up cars, fear, heights, the united parental front, brothers, flamers, people who don't have to work for things, forgetting things, garden gnomes
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