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Member Since 2007-12-11 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    TO MY READERS!!!!!!!: [UPDATED: 22 NOV 2008] I have the bad habit of posting more than I'm writing, or posting right up until where I'm writing, as in, if I'm writing chapter three, then I post chapters one and two. So, until I say, I'm going to write more, so that I at least have a chapter gap between what I'm writing and what I'm posting in all the stuff I've posted so far, which may be longer than you wish, but, sadly, I cannot write faster than I can think up what I'm writing, no matter how much we all wish we could do that, no matter who we are. But, do not distress! I have two other fics that have at least a couple chapters between one and the one I'm writing. You, you lucky little minxes, get to enjoy the first chapter or so of one, and the first three or so of the other. So, until I have more to say, that is about all I'm saying right now. Well, allons-y! [Doctor Who fan, too. [Can ya tell? ;) ]] Going to post now! [If I haven't already, and you're reading this way after I've already posted.]

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