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Member Since 2007-06-26 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    I really appreciate every review and rating I've ever gotten, but my interest in writing yaoi has run its course. This site has always been my favorite as far as posting, reading, and getting feedback, so thank you so much to everyone I've had the pleasure of interacting with here. Think about giving my originals a try. They're sort of awkward and rambly, but I really had fun writing them: 1. Pleasure Meeting You (Simon's P.O.V.) 2. Voices (Jack's P.O.V.) 3. Breaking Celibacy (Anthony's P.O.V and not all that happy) **** I also wrote Naruto fanfiction for a bit. Most of it makes me cringe now, but so far I've been keeping it posted because I appreciate all of the reviews and feedback. It's not out of the question that one day I'll delete this stuff, though. The awkward writing embarrasses me more than a little. Naruto Fanfiction Timeline: ANBU GenKaka 100 word drabbles (only on y!gallery) 1. Dreams 2. Messengers Keeping Busy 3. Aburame Wisdom 4. Exclusivity 5. Finishing the Portrait 6. First Time for Everything (chapter in Jiraiya Does Konoha put together by Andrew Shumway) 7. Private Conversations 8. Watching and Waiting 9. Walks in the Woods 10. Best Laid Plans 11. Waking Sasuke (takes place at the same time as GPF ch 1&2. Holiday gift for yaoi_is_my_antidrug.) 12. Goodbyes Paid Forward (last chapter unwritten- sorry ^^; Just remember, it's a goodbye chapter.)

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