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Member Since 2007-06-16 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    We are

    'nbluju' (oh hey! That's me!)


    'Your Greatest Fear'

    striving to give you

    some of the best Oreos and any other Yaoi fan fiction you're ever going see...hopefully.


    You may also recognize our styles though most likely not.

    Considering the fact that we haven't posted much with our own different pen names... time passes...yeeaaah.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (-.- ) OREO( -.-)>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Hello there, this is Your Greatest Fear. Some of you may know me from such fics as (insert annonymous, non existant fic here) and (i really havent done much fic). And who can forget (why the hell are you reading this, go read fanfiction). But enough about that. Here's some info about me:

    Name: Dante Valenciano

    Sex: Unknown

    Age: Unknown

    Location: Unknown

    Oreo (Weiss/Nero fanfiction)
    AkuRoku (Axel/Roxas fanfiction)
    Zemyx (Zexion/Demyx fanfiction)
    Soriku (wack way of saying Riku/Sora fics)
    Pirates of the Carribean. . .Jack Sparrow and Johnny Depp. . .they're cool
    . . .etc

    small annoying bugs
    the computer when it crashes
    bad fanfiction, with bad pairings

    (-.- ) OREO!! ( -.-)>

    Nbluju. . . Well, nbluju likes to be called 'circe' due to some crazy fetish with greek mythological names.Yes, she's weird like that. Unfortunately she hasn't given me enough information to compose a list of her likes and dislikes. But, here is some basic information.

    1) She's a girl.

    2) Her age is not available at this moment. Though she wishes she were old enough to drink. She wants some Smirnoff...

    3) Her location is somewhere, i.e. i have no clue

    4) From what I can gather, she likes Oreo, the Weiss and Nero pairing. She also likes, and I'm assuming here, Final Fantasy and Vincent. And yaoi, and manga, and yaoi manga. . .

    5) She used to dislike when people paired Vincent with anyone other than Yuffie, aka Yuffentines. Now however, if done correctly, she likes Vincent paired with Weiss and Nero. Yeah, shes's weird like that. She hates VincentxCid.

    If I gather anymore information on either nbluju or Your Greatest Fear, I shall post it with utmost speed, so that their non-existant readers may learn more about their authors. Until then, I bid thee adieu.

    Pleasant Oreo dreams.

    Planned Stories

    Modus Operandi

    Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII; Action/Adventure/General; WeissxNero; AU

    Summary - What would you do if someone you loved was captured and bound to serve a hellish existence? Would you free them? Even if it meant breaking all the rules that dictate the existence of all mankind and creatures alike?

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