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Member Since 2007-06-01 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Kagome/Sesshoumaru, Hermione/Voldemort, Hermione/Tom Riddle, Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Blaise, Eiri/Shuichi, Tatsuha/Ryuichi, Tohma/Sakano, Fujisaki/Hiro, K/Judy, YAOI, Het. I used to read Kagome/Inuyasha, but seeing the anime again, there's no way Kagome could love him in that sense if she keeps "sitting" him...Besides, Sesshoumaru-sama's taking care of Rin-chan and Kagome-chan is taking care of Shippou-kun and the two orphans get along so's only a matter of time before they get Kagome and Sesshoumaru together...:P Nothing too explict I don't think...usernames on ffn are: Ami Mizuno1, Captain Lexshue, and Elphaba Thropp1. Currently have 0 fanfics on the Elphaba Thropp1 account, 1 on the Captain Lexshue account, and 11 on the Ami Mizuno1 account. All stories are on permanant hiatus until further notice due to college and lack of inspiration.
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  • amimizuno16 -:- MSN : amimizuno1200

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