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Member Since 2007-05-27 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    I'm a yaoi hentai writer mainly, though I often find myself writing poems and such. I like to read about same stuff, when it is Yu-Gi-Oh!. I really have to get a life and read other stuff, but I never come around.

    I am currently broadening my taste of music and have found rock, thank goodness. And I listen to Enya and dance too, for example. I like animé and manga and I also try drawing stuff. I'm fairly good, but far from... good. Yeah.

    I have a little dog here who I love with all my heart. He is the most wonderful creature on Earth.

    Now, I have developed this malice side which love blood and gore. Saw, Dawn of the dead, Are you scared- they are just fun. At final destination I and my friends laughed like maniacs when the girls were toasted in the solariums. …well, at least we have fun. Though I wouldn’t laugh if it happened before my eyes. Maybe due to shock, but then I hope someone smack me. I cry when I see World Trade Centre crash down.

    Finally I love life and can’t get enough of the nature around me. Freakish but not. I want to become something in the future. I have great plans for my life. Read my mind and see I want to travel. To Egypt first.

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