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Member Since 2007-04-13 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    I'm mostly a Lurker, but occasionally I do manage to Write a few things. Usually Gundam Wing. Duo's past chapters 1 through 4 and part of 5 (which I don't have typed yet) as well as Chopsticks, Boardgames and Surprises were written back in 2003 and I don't recall ever having them beta'd so if there's any glaring errors just let me know.

    I also have some work posted at and the Wufei Duo ML Archive.

    I mostly Read Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, and Buffy/Angel, but I've been spotted in FMA, Digimon, Artemis Fowl, Sailor Moon, Princess Mononoke, Xena, and Hercules

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