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Member Since 2007-03-29 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    This is a space for escape and experimentation. I'm anything but consistent so there may be periods of frequent submission and others of creative drought. My stories center around vignettes: fractured sensual experiences rather than cohesive whole with everything laid bare. I also think sometimes endings are just endings, neither happy nor sad and without need of resolution. Etymology and philosophy are interests of mine and I hope that comes through in my work. And although I say that it's the creator's opinion that ultimately matters, I love getting feedback. Sometimes those few kind words keep you going. So feel free to email me or leave a comment/critique. Cheers. ;)

    Story Statuses


    I've revised "Chapter 3: Lilac" (added more, it felt anorexic) and will probably do so with the others, except less so. Maybe just minor edits and corrections here and there. As for updates, expect new chapters soon. I have two avenues to choose from in terms of which direction to take this story, one that demonizes Fischer and the other that doesn't.


    It's not over, far from it. And I will probably go back and revise most if not all the chapters, probably to expand them or even add new chapters in between. I do have ideas for future chapters, but for now this story is on hiatus.


    I don't remember which idea I had for the next one, but I'm sure they'll be an endless supply. On hiatus for now.


    Might remove this one. I don't like it. And if you've read I think you'd agree with me. 

    New Untitled Story

    This one would be between Thor and Loki (the recent film, mediocre as it was, had me thinking). I suppose it wouldn't be an original, but by virtue of the fact that I know next to nothing about Norse mythology and intend to take this pairing into a very different direction, it may as well be in that category. I reckon it would be quite brutal and violent, even more than Blinded. If I can muster up the energy to push out a few chapters of Web and still have enough for this one, then expect a new story before the end of summer. 

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