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Member Since 2007-03-26 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    So far I have only written Harry Potter slash so I will explain a few things about how I will portray different characters. #1. There are two ways I like to see Harry portrayed a) pissed off powerful dark Harry and b) unsure self-conscious but still very powerful Harry #2. I don't like Dumbledore so I will probably write mostly Dumbledore bashing fics (I find him to be manipulative and I get the feeling everybody is a pawn to him) and Ron (Ron has abandoned Harry anytime Harry gets any attention or things get rough) #3. I like creature/mate and bonding (especially accidental bonding) fics #4. I do not like the "Light" side of the war, it seems that it is worse than the "Dark" side (you know the Dark side's honor amongst thieves rule while the Light side doesn't seem to have any boundaries what-so-ever)#5 I like happy endings for the main pairing not neccessarily to the world at large and finally #6. I like Harry to find some type of family whether adopted or unknown (I also like the Harry's family survives but them still treating him like dirt most of the time because he has a sibling they think is the saviour)

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