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Member Since 2007-01-09 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    My name is Chloe and my birthday is on the 1st of April. I enjoy reading, listening to music, analyzing things endlessly, spending endless amounts of time with my boyfriend and sometimes writing and drawing. I have two younger sisters aged seven and five. I love my friends and I try to be there for them as much as possible. I nearly always dislike my parents, for lots of little reasons. I have a darkish past but ask me to tell you about it and I'll try my best to. I'm a bit too trusting at times but it's hard for me to talk about my feelings. I never know what I want or need and it makes a lot of problems occur in my life. I'm very moody. One minute I can be hyper and random and talk your ear off and the next I can be very avoidant and quiet. One day I would like to open up a child care centre or work as a counsellor for children. Or both. Knowing me I will probably end up doing something completely different to that. Well if you read this then, wow! You have a longer attention span than I. Toodly-os!

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