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Member Since 2006-10-23 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    What can I say about myself? Well firstly, I love to write and my creativity along with my imagination have no limits which is a quality that value above other things.
    Secondly, I absolutely ADORE Sesshoumaru, worship him even, but without going too far as to build a shrine in my room and offer sacrifices in his honour. I must admit I've thought about it but still...
    I usually pair Sesshoumaru up with Kagura, and maybe with Rin (though I prefer that sweet father-daughter relationship that they have), however, I'm completely against Sesshxkag pairings. So don't expect me to write any stories about them. I will read them though, if I find the content interesting and readable. Yet there's one thing I REALLY don't get, why in the hell do people write that Kagome has BLUE eyes? I've seen the series (I HAVE the series) I've seen all of the movies and Kagome has brown eyes, BROWN eyes people, not friggin' blue. I mean, what's wrong with brown? I have have brown eyes and I'm fine with it. It's like saying Sesshoumaru has emerald green eyes, It's just wrong.
    Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm british, so expect the words 'arse' and 'knickers' in my stories. Heh.
    What more is there? Ah, yes...I'm really into romance and stuff like that, anything hardcore is not my style, all I wish to do on this site is really to expand my inventiveness and my output, mostly for practice. But don't get me wrong, I always take my readers into careful consideration when I write, after all there is a saying (I just hope it's not too cliché), which is 'the client is always right'. I tend to apply that often. That's that then...Scarlett-Sama, over and out.

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