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Member Since 2006-01-21 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    You can add me to MSN if you wanna but I reserve the right to dump ya if ya flame me... HA! I finally remembered my password!!! now to see if I can't get my rear in gear and get these chapters posted... I have so much more than these done! *types feverishly until distracted by something shiny* Okay, so I never remember to respond to reviews when I'm posting a new chapter, so here's the answer to most of the questions I get asked; for RESFUL DEATH: Yes, there will be smut. For HAUNTED: yes, there will be smut For RIGHT HAND: yes, I plan to write a one-shot sequel, at least. Right now I'm working on a different Riddick/Vaako story. For WARCRAFT: I'll explain the pairings soon! For ALONE: yep, sequels coming soon! I think that's it!
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