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Member Since 2005-07-26 -:- Recomendations : 1 -:- Donor

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    Well, it USED to be Draco/Hermione for me... then I found Harry/Severus. And so, for a while, my fav was Snarry, but now... Now it's Draco/Harry! And no matter how bored I might get, I always end up going back to Harry/Draco. Other favorites (just in case you wanted to know =D) Harry/Severus (yes, still) Severus/Remus Harry/Ron (a bit conventional, I know, but it's cool to read about them FINALLY gettin' it on! LOL) Severus/Remus/Sirius Harry/Remus/Sirius Harry/Severus/Remus Harry/Tom Riddle (Yes, Old Moldie Voldie, but there's a catch to this one - I only like it written the way Batsutosai writes it! sorry.) ALSO! I LOVE When someone does Bad!Evil!Manipulative Dumbledore and Bad!Evil!Ron and Hermione! Do you think there might be a bit of connection with all this? YES! YAOI! SMUT IS BETTER WITH BOYS! WOO HOO!! If you want to email me, just to tell me I'm weird, or whatever, it's Oh! And now I have TWO, yes, TWO stories published on AFF! "Hermione and Draco" and "Your Greatest Fan"! Just scroll down a bit and read them both! I now have a Myspace page! If you have one too, you can add me as a friend. Just go to: When you request to add me as a friend, please put in a little note that you are from AFF and what your author name is here, just so I can check out your stories, see if there's anything that grabs my attention! LOL

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