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Member Since 2004-12-22 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    What's up? I'm KistuneBaby2004, but you lovely people can call me Cece. I'm new to this site but I assure you that you will read some of the craziest lemons ever. Right now, I have a dark-fic, my first one, too, and my friend, Forbidden_Child_Kori helped out, too. Check it out. Please read and review the stories here. Thank you! ^_^ *hands everyone a Popsicle* I'm a devout Kurama/Hiei fan, and I'm currently writing an MST of "Love From All Sides." Look for it, please! Once again, thanks for reading this long bio of me.
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  • CeceWilliams2004

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