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Member Since 2003-02-08 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Science fiction, gooood. Horror, goooood. RIP Farscape. 1999 (I believe)-2003. Tremors the Series on the week after Farscape's Demise? Wonder what else SciFi Execs can think up to do to piss on Farscape's grave. I'm so afraid to find out. It's stuff like this that is ruining science fiction TV. That and the complete dumbing down of Andromeda to have more "action-centered and Dylan-centered plots" instead of the story archs Wolfe was going for. That's what Kevin Sorbo (star and executive producer) and Fireworks wanted. Now they've degraded it to a Saturday Morning kid's show. And what's with every female guest character falling in love with/wanting to fuck Dylan? It's not like he's hot or anything. If you're going for a personalityless drone go for Tyr, at least he's hot stuff. Harper deserves to get laid, and not by another fweakin' magog!

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