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Member Since 2012-09-22 -:- Recomendations : 2

  • Bio

    I wish to extend a huge thank you to every reader who has taken time to read/review my posted work. I am grateful for the ongoing support I have received through private messages, and reviews. Getting feed back has been a big help in making some of the corrections I missed when I posted the stories at fanfiction net originally, minus some of the more graphic sex scenes I am returning to this series because I am at an adult site now. 

    I am an actively addicted writer; first and foremost. To refine my skills, I write fan fiction. Currently, I am writing yaoi centric tales. Please be advised that if you are homophobic, you will detest my stories.

    For those who followed my move from Fanfiction net to Adultfanfiction, I am getting the Initial D series revised and posted. All Initial D tales are under heavy overhaul and revision despite completed tags listed on the synopses. I am replacing chapters, resurrecting deleted chapters, and making new spelling/grammatical corrections that are needed. Each previously deleted scene that I return to each story gets tagged in the Author Note. By returning those graphic love making scenes, I must revise the full series. Please expect the tales to be subtly different each time you visit for a while. I have to remove newly created inconsistencies because of having returned some scenes. Romp for Pervertts has all of the various sex scenes both familiar, and the unseen versions. I always write both character's version of a given sex scene, then pick the one that seems most appropriate. Hope you enjoy the different and new intimacy heavy chapters that helped me to mold the romance between Takumi and Keisuke. I had to put the unfinished stories on Hiatus due to multiple deaths in my family in 2014. In under 9 months, 10 people died. By October I was beyond exhausted. Also, the person who was acting as my beta vanished. So yeah, I will get back to them at some point. However, I simply have not had the energy or the inspiration to complete them due to the fact they remind me of all the elders who died last year.

    For those who have asked for the addition of Japanese specific words, I am going to be removing most of those as I get a chance to revise. Please do not get angry at me for taking those words out. A few such as the san, and kun addresses will remain because those are about status levels of address that are reasonable to leave in place in dialog.

    Forum link where I do update readers about posting chapters, replacing chapters, and answering any reviews that I recieve. Please feel free to post any questions and comments you have for the complete Initial D Rivalry Revealed series at the following link:

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  • kurahieiritr -:-YIM : kurahieiritr

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