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Member Since 2012-05-27 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    I do not know if an embellished and prepped up 'about me' would do much
    good in encouraging people to read my stories, what I do know is that it might make
    me feel like a prancing peacock. Which I am not, Peahen perhaps...
    BUT, it makes sense that I try to make the space on my profile more welcoming
    If that bag of gems does not attract you already..I will try that my words do.

    My name is Heraa. I am 25. I live between 3 cities in the Middle East. A cusp Libra, engaged to a gorgeous Scorpio, not a full out fangirl, but a little obsessed with good quality fanfics.
    Only for Harry Potter and Southern Vampire Mysteries: Sookie Stackhouse novels / True Blood. I think my stories will explain easily which ships I sail. :)

    I am a Media Sciences major and work for a Government Organization. My job includes writing
    Press-releases which some times makes my teeth hurt but it pays the bills so I love it. I travel a lot, even if for a rather boring job,
    this is where my writing comes into play as it gives me something to continuously think about.
    Writing has always been my passion, I don't know if I am very good at it, but here you are, free to judge.
    I am a music lover as well and have a taste for spiritual Poetry of Rumi which makes me a little eccentric
    about logic and philosophy, also behavioral politics which are recurring themes in my stories, when i am not obsessing
    over unrequited love and a love larger than life.
    So read for yourself. And do not forget to review. I live for feedback. :)

    I have 3 stories in progress and one complete standalone one shot.



    1. My Sacrifice : (Harry Potter)

    3 years Post Deathly Hallows. Harry lies in a coma for past 3 years as something went wrong eve of the final battle at Hogwarts and though Voldemort was blown away, Nagini escaped. Now Draco Malfoy finally has a Theory, a cure and a plan to end it all at last, but at what cost? HP/DM.

    Its a One shot, that just came to me out of nowhere. It is a tragic story and I am so very proud of it! Do give it a chance. I am sure you will like it.

    2. The Principle of Sympathy: (Harry Potter)

    7 years Post Deathly Hallows. Since the annihilation of Lord Voldemort 7 years ago, Almost all of the marked death-eaters have died once Voldemort was destroyed. The last of them being Narcissa Malfoy. With Wizarding world grudgingly united for once,things are smooth for a peaceful, if lonely Harry Potter, that is, until The new Lord Malfoy comes to town and with him come whispers of a new menace. HP/DM Slash

    This is a Multi-chapter fic, and if it goes according to plan, will be part of a Saga. So far the response to it has been very good.

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