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Member Since 2009-06-10 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Well... First off, i'll start with the basics. I'm a lesbian, an' i'm happily taken. ...anywho, off tha' subject...i'd like ta apologize ta all who have trouble with the way i type. I assure ya my fics ain't like this, though. But yeah...durin' the writin' of an AizenxGin fanfic i've been workin' on, i seem ta have inconspicuously picked up Gin's awkward speech-habits. So....gomen ne, mina. -bows- Hmmm....what else? I suppose i should list off the pairin's i ship, ne? I'll TRY ta sort 'em in OOR (order of relevance). 1) Nnoitra x Szayel (Bleach) 2) Aizen x Gin (Bleach) 3) Sheryl x Lavi (D.Gray-Man) 4) Kanda x Lavi (D.Gray-man) 5) Tyki x Lavi 6) Grimmjow x Ggio / Findor x Ggio (Bleach) 7) Kiriwar x Gunji (Togainu no Chi) 8) Komui x Lavi (D.Gray-Man) 9) Mello x Matt (Deathnote) 10) Malfoy x Ron (Harry Potter)' tha's all i can think of/obsess over at the moment.

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