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Member Since 2008-02-26 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    I'm just your everyday hardcore Sesshoumaru fan. I love Inuyasha as well & the rest of the gang for that matter, but Sesshy really does it for me. I adore the Sess/Kag pairing, partly because I see a little of myself in both of them...I also love it when people throw a fit over it. Funny how people seem to forget that these are FAN "FICTIONS". I write for myself and post for your enjoyment. I really love it though, when I recieve positive reviews...REVIEWS ARE FUEL. Aside from that, I enjoy riding,breeding and training horses & have been doing it for 20 outta 25yrs, I also enjoy drawing, reading, photograghy & music. I have a new obsession lately, aside from Sesshoumaru. KADAJ. Expect some FFVII fics in the future, but not for a while. ;)

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