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Member Since 2007-12-21 -:- Recomendations : 1

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    Avatar by *paperclipchains* on Livejournal.

    Shy country girl from Australia with a soft spot for chocolate and kittens. 
    Was a fangirl before I even knew what one was. I have a horrible case of Fandom ADD... I flit, change obsessions yearly/monthly but am fiercely loyal in the long run. Am cursed with terminal laziness.
    Poor student, hopeful writer, sarcastic cow.

    Hi... guess I should tell you a little about me and my fanfiction huh? To start with, I'm a hopeless romantic. There is nothing better than a good love story. Therefore most, if not all of my writing will be romance. Even if it has a bigger storyline there will still be a romantic pairing at the heart of it. I can't help it... I LOVE love. Secondly, I have a bit of a good girl/bad boy thing. OK, so my shrink calls it an obsession. Pffht, what would he know? Anyhoo, I think every good, nerdy girl like myself has dreamed of landing her own bad guy. Mum said it was a phase I'd get over...six years ago. Most importantly is my stance on canon pairings. Now don't get me wrong, I do ship canon. I just won't write it. Well not final canon anyway. By that I mean canon pairings that are still together at the end of the movie, last page of the book or final scene of the final ever episode of a show. If my couple are together when the curtain closes I am overjoyed and see no reason to write about them. I write to vent my frustration about the couples that didn't make it to the end or were never given the chance by their creator.


    Dean/Castiel (If you had told me when I first started watching supernatural that I would be shipping Dean with a guy, I would have called you crazy but now... Omg these two are meant to be together! I may cry if they don't at least end up as bestest friends)
    Sam/Gabriel (Yes, I know... my crack is rather good! But trust me on this, it totally works. The sarcasm vs bitchface would be epic plus Sammy gets his own angel!) 
    Dean/Gabriel (Their combined sweet-tooths and hedonism alone make this pairing smoking hot. Their bedroom antics would be awesome.) 
    Dean/Crowley (You saw the chemistry right? I'm not insane, am I?) 
    Gabriel/Crowley (Could you imagine? I think they would get along smashingly!) 
    Dean/Jo (My hetero-normative backup pairing... They Jossed my backup pairing! *sobs*) 
    Adam/Michael ( I blame Ladyknightanka! Completely her fault... and I love her for it!) 
    Ellen/Any canon character capable of keeping up with her awesome but mainly Bobby ( I don't think this needs explaining... Ellen is badass!)
    Dean/Layla ( Faith is one of my all time fave episodes. I cry every damn time!) 
    Dean/Castiel/Sam/Gabriel and any threesome combinations thereof... and if Crowley wants to join, that's good too (Apparently my incest squick is completely negated by the addition of a clueless angel and/or a mischievious archangel and/or a British demon... good to know!)
    Bobby/Sherrif Jodie Mills (Awww!)

    Teen Wolf~
    Derek/Stiles (*sighs dreamily* *clutches them to her chest* I ship them with the firey passion of a thousand suns! DON'T LOOK AT ME, I CAN'T EVEN! I love their dynamic more than I can express. If they even end up as just really close snarky friends I will be thrilled!)
    Scott/Isaac (These guys snuck up on me... Puppies in love!)
    Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa McCall (This makes me very happy!)
    Lydia/Jackson (Why not?)
    Erica/Boyd (Sweet!)
    Stiles/Jackson (Frenemy hate!sex turns into luurve?)
    Stiles/Isaac (This makes an awful lot of sense to me.)
    Isaac/Jackson (This is cheeky and a little wrong... I like it!)
    Lydia/Boyd (This could work...)
    Scott/Erica (This too...)
    Stiles/Erica (My bbs!♥)
    Danny/All The Good Things (He is a cutie! And I'm reserving judgement on whether Ethan counts as one of these good things just yet!)
    Peter/Sass (Match made in heaven... He's my Teen Wolf Crowley!)
    Erica/Badassness & Lydia/Awesomeness (I am crushing so hard on these two!)
    Isaac/Happiness & Derek/Happiness (I want to hug them and make them cookies!)

    Harvey/Mike (This one's kind of obvious isn't it? I mean, normal guys don't stare at each other like that... unless they're Dean and Cas!)
    Harvey/Donna (She is a goddess and I have a huge girl!crush on her gorgeous self. Redheads ftw! I worship at her feet. There are also several billion sensual, erotic and varyingly dirty things I would like to do to/with Gabriel Macht. His smile is one of the most beautiful things in the known universe. Together they would define amazing!)
    Harvey/Donna/Mike (All ship conflicts should be solved by threesomes! *nods*)

    Puck/Karofsky (They could totally rock the Not-a-stereotypical-gay-guy/The-plumbing-doesn't-matter-as-long-as-you're-hot dynamic. And after Puck, Dave is my second fave.)
    Will/Finn (So wrong, it's hot. and they are both gorgeous!)
    Kurt/Puck ( Tell me you don't see it!)
    Kurt/Karofsky (Haters gonna hate)
    Karofsky/Blaine (Don't look at me like that!)
    Blaine/Anyone but Kurt (Darren Criss is several flavors of awesome!)

    Harry Potter~ 
    Draco/Hermione (Bad boy/good girl, screw canon) 
    George/Hermione (He could loosen her up)
    Neville/Luna (Awwwwww) 
    Draco/Luna (A little naughty)
    George/Luna (Sooo cute) 
    Oliver/Hermione (Just cause) 
    Cedric/Hermione (See above) 
    Cedric/Oliver (Yummy)
    Oliver/George or Fred or Both (Not too much twincest though)
    Cedric/George or Fred or Both (As above, its a bit icky)

    Jasper/Alice (Too cute) 
    Edward/Alice (Bella shits me)
    Jasper/Bella (Yet this would be interesting)
    Edward/Jasper (Hot) 
    Edward/Jacob (Why the hell not... forget Bella, You two elope) 
    Garret/Kate (Random, brief and totally adorable)
    Rosalie/Jacob (I don't much like her but could you imagine the HOT hate!sex)

    Crowley/Aziraphale Good Omens (What do you mean it's not canon?)
    Homer/Ellie Tomorrow Series (I love their dynamic... and I'm so over Lee. Plus movie!Homer...UNF!)
    Zaphod/Arthur Hitchhiker's Series (Yeah, I don't even know.)
    Mike/Beth The Wind Eye (She's the only one he's nice to... aww!)
    Casper/Poppy Perfect Timing ( I loved him from the start)

    Doctor Who/Torchwood~
    Doctor(Ten)/Donna (Go the redhead and who doesn't want in David's pants?)
    Doctor(Eleven)/River (So much epic love... and River is my hero!)
    Doctor(Eleven)/Rory (Dorktastic and full of chemistry.)
    Owen/Tosh (Seriously people, get with it!)
    Gwen/Rhys (1. I adore Rhys and just want him to be happy and 2. it stops that cow putting her filthy hands on Jack!)
    Jack/Ianto (Makes me go a little weak kneed just thinking 'bout it)

    Simon/Mal Firefly/Serenity (The subtext is almost text with these two...UST-overload)
    Alan/Billy (Dr. Grant/Mr Brennen) Jurassic Park III (They intended this movie to be pre-slash right? They obviously love each other *nods*)
    Daniel/Betty Ugly Betty (Need I say it again?)
    Zuko/Katara Avatar (bb/gg)
    Veronica/Logan Veronica Mars (Logan is HOT)
    Logan/Mac Veronica Mars (Me saying it is getting a little old)
    Buffy/Angel or Spike (Just get with a hot vamp already)
    Hawkeye/Margaret MASH (Sexual tension much?)
    Pacey/Joey Dawson's creek (Forever and always)
    Ray/Neela ER (Roomies forever)
    Abby/McGee NCIS (Geek love)
    Penny/Sheldon Big Bang Theory (Screw Leonard, Sheldon's adorable... not that I could live with him in real life but!)
    Ryan/Kelsi High School Musical (Love Ryan,if he's not gay at least he bagged the best girl)
    Jayne/River Firefly/Serenity ( It's just naughty)
    Stokely/Stan The Faculty ( I will never love another pairing as much... they make me indescribably happy!)
    Daniel/Cameron Stargate SG1 (Can we say chemistry?)
    Tony/Maxxie Skins (bb/gb)

    I'm sure there's more but this will do for now. xx

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